We are a small group of Christians who meet weekly for worship and fellowship at our Church in Over (Cambridgeshire).
Please use the menu to find out a little more about our Church, it’s facilities and the people who meet there.
Usually we have worship:
1st Saturday of the month at 12:30am following a coffee morning between 10am and 12 noon.
2nd and 4th Sunday’s of the month at 6pm
3rd Friday of the Month at 6pm with a hot meal – the “Moral Meal”
See our calendar for more details.
Most of our worship services are available live on Zoom (click the link to join) and selected messages are available via YouTube and Facebook to enjoy at any time. The Zoom link will become live just before the services indicated on our Worship Calendar.
There is room for you at Over Methodist Church and you are always welcome here.
Prayer of the Day
The connexional year 2020/21 is a Year of Prayer to support the new Connexional Strategy for Evangelism and Growth. Districts, circuits, churches, and individuals are invited to pray for the Methodist Church as we deepen our commitment to be a growing, evangelistic, inclusive, justice-seeking Church of gospel people. The prayer for today is shown below: